An incredibly fun project on such a unique site, currently in the works. Our clients purchased five adjacent suburban lots, the lower four being a mix of creek and wetland, wooded hills and open meadow. They wanted a low-impact design that they and their young kids could use to the fullest with a veggie garden, orchard, nature play and sports field, all connected by pathways through the wetlands and woods.
We took a less-is-more approach and started with strategic removal of chain link fences, overgrown shrubs, invasive irises and damaged/unhealthy trees. We split a gorgeous fir trunk for bridges, log steppers and benches around the play field. We upgraded the garden shed and relocated to the veggie garden which opened up views and enhanced important site lines.
An elevated cedar boardwalk and new bridge allows this active family access to the entire property, even during the wettest months, and minimizes our disturbance to the established ecosystem. Native and edible plants will fill in the perimeter, replace invasive irises and frame the best views out to the back 40.